Thursday, June 7, 2012

Keepin' Busy

 I know it's been a while since I've posted but I've been keeping pretty busy. It's summer and the kids are home, on top of that I start my summer teaching job next week. I'm really excited to get the opportunity to teach kids how to draw. I remember growing up I would draw all the time. My parents fostered my love for art in many ways, my dad and I would sit together with a stack of paper and the newspaper funny pages. He would challenge me to try and draw the comic strips as close to the originals as possible. Mom always had craft projects that she would let me work on. All week I've been drawing with my boys. It's been fun and exciting to see their creations. All this drawing got me back to the computer. I've decided to turn some of the digital drawings that I've drawn for my dolls and pillows, into prints. I've been working on back grounds, settings and all kinds of details to bring my characters to life on paper. I still have to find the right paper and ink to print them, but I love the way they are coming out. I hope you like them too :)


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